2. Make your messages more personal. Text messages may appear unimportant. It will help build trust between you. Use her name in a message. Girls feel a genuine excitement when they see their name in a message, there's something much more intimate about it. A different option is to make use of the name you've given her. It gives the impression that you're sharing a personal joke. Make use of the words "us", "we" in your messages. This gives the positive "me and you against all the world" feel that girls love.
3. You can praise her. For instance, "Wow, I love your hair this morning, it's so beautiful!" It's pretty simple -girls like to receive compliments and they feel valued and valued. It's possible to incorporate compliments into your messages if you're able. Try a classic (yet effective) compliment such as "I am constantly thinking of you in that black and blue dress" or choose something more unusual like "you have the most bizarre sense of humor -but I like it." Be sure that the compliment is genuine -don't say something you don't mean in order to get her favorable side. It's not difficult for women to smell fakes from a mile. Take a look at this emotional love sms for examples.

4. Be secretive. Be intriguing. Avoid sending lengthy messages that detail every dull thing about your life, for instance, when she asks you about your day. You might try something such as "It's pretty bizarre actually." It amazes me that people are so interesting. I hope she'll be enthralled and ask for more information in her next email. You can also tell her what your weekend plans are in case she asks. It's unlikely to entice the woman to say that you'll be staying home on weekend to work on papers. Tell her that you are going to kill a dragon, or take on a completely different task. It doesn't matter if it's true.
5.Tease the girl just a bit. Teasing is an excellent way to flirt. It lets you be intimate with one another without getting too serious. It's a great way to enjoy yourself with your girlfriend, yet not to offend anyone. Something like "freckles" or "little miss perfect" are great examples. Ask her about what she said or did the last time they hang out. For instance, if she tells you she's grabbing coke, you can tell her something like "just don't squirt it out your nostrils like you did last time ;) ". This is called call-back humor. It brings attention to the time you were having fun together. It can make her feel positive about your relationship. Relationships that are text-based can end abruptly when you're rude or off-putting.
6 Be suggestive. Text flirting relationships are incomplete without flirting. You can inquire about what she's wearing, or say something along the lines of, "I loved you in this dress, but I'm sure I'd love what's underneath it even more." Another great technique is to intentionally misinterpret something she says as being sexual. For example when she states something like "I cannot believe the length of time!" If she says something like "I can't believe how long it's taken me!" you could simply say, "That's what I said!" If you're nervous about going down the sexting path it's possible to try saying that you've just gotten from the bathroom. If she responds with a sexually flirtatious tone (like "dang. I'd like to have that") it's possible tell she's willing to try. Take a look at this short love messages for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages brief and sweet. Long text messages are tedious and may look like you are overly excited. Try to keep your messages succinct no more than two or three paragraphs. Try to make your messages hilarious, clever or sweet. Laughing should never be limited to a conversation about the weather.
2. Send the same number of messages. You should always send the same number of texts to everyone within your relationships via text. If you are sending excessive texts, it will make you appear a bit too eager and accessible. You'll appear to be coming on too strong -which will cause her to be scared or make her lose interest. It's possible that you appear uninterested or think you're texting multiple girls simultaneously if you don't make enough texts. This may cause her to consider you an unworthy person and stop sending sufficient texts. To reach a compromise, send approximately equal numbers of text messages to each other, with the balance tilted slightly in your direction if you can. It is crucial to pay attention who initiates and concludes each conversation. Alternate, if possible.
3. You should be careful with grammar and spelling. In your text messages, you'll want to give an impression of being smart and witty. Teenagers can do it without much trouble however everyone over 18 should be careful regarding grammar and spelling.
In order to make yourself appear smart it isn't necessary to look up important words. Instead, go through each text prior to sending it. This will ensure that there are no obvious misspellings or typos. The way your text is read will be greatly affected by the punctuation. For example, if your girl sends you a picture of herself in a new dress, "wow!" It sounds more excited and fun as opposed to "wow!" while "I love it ..."" is more appealing, flirty, and flirty than "I am in love with it". Just don't overdo it on the exclamation marks, question marks, smiley faces, winky faces, and other emoticons -they can be powerful in the right context, but can seem juvenile when used too often. Have a look at this fascinating text sms for lover for more.

4. Don't allow the conversation to drag on. The ability to close a conversation is one of the most essential skills to master when texting. If you allow texting sessions to go on for too long, you'll be bored of something interesting to talk about and conversations will soon turn into a stale and dull conversation. It is important to end the conversation before reaching that point, so you can always make her want more. Try to end with something flirty and cute like "gotta go, baby I'll be in touch with you next week. Don't get into any problems with me. or "Time for bed, I'm going to rest and get my wonderful sleep." We are looking forward to seeing you in your fantasy world!
5. Don't use text flirting to replace actual flirting. You should not make use of text flirting as a replacement for real flirting. Texting can be great for certain things, but nothing compares to the spontaneity of flirting in the real world. Texting can be used to initiate conversations to arrange dates or organize your next casual date. This will give you a purpose for your texting and something you and your partner can look forward to. Keep in mind that long eye contact, bright smiles and a gentle brush of the arm beat any number of words on a screen.